Rubber conveyor belts offer excellent performance and ensure long life in their various applications. They can be produced in our equipped workshop, in custom widths and lengths. A Zeta Gomma also has a wide variety of rolls always available with a state-of-the-art storage and handling system.

Conveyor belts with cut and wear-resistant rubber cover for conveying every type of material.
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Adhesives, primers, glues and hardeners for cold bonding of rubber conveyor belts.
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In the event of any problem or emergency, A Zeta Gomma provides a non-stop 24-hour assistance service every day of the week, including holidays. Thanks to the experience and expertise of specialist staff and the use of superior equipment, all clients can benefit from timely repair services and assistance on conveyor belts, both during the warranty period and afterwards.
Lifting equipment, cranes and platforms are also available to facilitate installation in locations difficult to reach by conventional means.